1050 aluminum coil used for aluminum foil stock

1050 Aluminum Coil Stock Supplier & Slitter - Almetals

42 行 · 1050 Aluminum Coil Stock High Electrical Conductivity, Corrosion Resistance, and Workability. This aluminum alloy is commonly used in the electrical and chemical industries, on account of having high electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, and workability. Aluminum 1050 alloy is also sometimes used for the manufacture of heat sinks ...

TEMPERSPECIFIED THICKN…TENSILE STRENGTH - KSI(ULTI…TENSILE STRENGT…H120.008 - 0.02012.318.1H120.020 - 0.05912.318.1H120.059 - 0.11812.318.1H120.118 - 0.25012.318.1查看almetals.com的所有42行
pre:1.0mm copper covered aluminum cca wire
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